Spec Sample Request

Welcome to YMlabs’ Spec Sample Upload Page. Please take special note of the following limitations on this site.

Please enter all data marked with an asterisk (*).
Art is required with each upload, even if you’re only updating previously sent information.
There is a 10 MEG limit on art uploads. Only one piece of artwork can be uploaded at a time.

Company Information
Affiliations (enter all that apply)
Contact Information
Lip Balm Options
Shipping Options
Shipping Information
File Upload

By Clicking "Submit" you agree to the following terms:

  1. I understand that YMlabs is offering free spec samples for a limited time. YMlabs may at any time discontinue offering free spec samples. YMlabs has the right to refuse any order at its sole discretion.
  2. I understand that YMlabs will be sending me three (3) samples of one flavor selected from the list on the form. which I have designated in the form, for each label I submit. Each label must be submitted on a separate form.
  3. I understand that YMlabs will strive to ship spec samples via the shipping company and on the shipping terms I designate from selections within the form, within three (3) days of receipt of art and the information required by this form.
  4. I understand that YMlabs does not guarantee the ship date on free spec samples. YMlabs will not be liable for any shipping charges on free spec samples for any reason.
  5. I understand that this "YMlabs Free Spec Sample" submit page does not constitute a purchase order for fulfillment of goods or services.

When you click “Submit” the following will occur:

  1. The data you entered will post an email to team1@ymlabs.com. Please feel free to follow up at this email address if any concerns arise.
  2. The information you posted will deliver a message with your details to your email address.
  3. If there are errors in your post, please repost your request, with detailed notes in the comments section.

***YMlabs only shares email addresses with its own contracted regional representatives and national sales manager. We do not sell or rent your email address to anyone.